Ed Devane in nine bullet points:
Below are some of my works that are relevant to the application.
- My background and formal training is in music production.
- I attended night courses and conducted prolonged self-directed learning periods to fill the gaps in my education when my creative work moved into the tactile realm of instrument and installation design.
- I have had a design studio or workshop of one sort or other for ten years.
- My creative work has been publicly exhibited, performed, listened to or participated in throughout Ireland and occasionally abroad.
- While I identify as a sound artist, most of the time I am engaged in some sort of design activity.
- I have worked as a workshop facilitator for nearly ten years. Topics covered: instrument building, physical computing, and sound explorations.
- I have worked in third level education since 2016, firstly in NCAD as a technician, subsequently in UL as a teaching assistant working with interaction design and music technology students.
- I am a father and am based in Donegal.
- I want to upgrade my formal education so I can continue to work in third level education.
Below are some of my works that are relevant to the application.